Thursday, December 11, 2008

"Living To Tell About It.." has BIG Plans!

Hello all,
Just a note to let everyone know that I am still marketing the heck out of my book, "Living to Tell About It, A Pursuit of Normalcy".

The big news is that in FEBRUARY 2009, Planned Television Arts based out of New York City and I will be doing a Country-wide Radio Tour! The exposure will be priceless! They will be hitting approximately 10-18 radio stations throughout the country.

Don't worry, as the time draws nearer, I will let everyone know more information about where and when to listen to my interview.

AND, if that wasn't enough, a Senior Living magazine that serves Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill, North Carolina will be running a feature on me and my book in their upcoming winter issue.

I'll see if I can't scan the article and put it on here for you to read.

Don't worry, I'll be in touch soon with more info!

Have a question? would you like to hire me for a speaking engagement? or perhaps a booksigning? Just email me here: Amy Martin and I would be happy to contact you to follow up.

Happy Holidays everyone!